Tongue-Twisters (Inspired by Vlogbrothers’ Video)

Aaah what a week it’s been! <—blatant exaggeration!

Probably the most exciting thing this week was taking part in the electromagnetic spectrum workshop for the Physics Outreach Group. It was my first time at a workshop so it was exciting/ nerve-wrecking. There were around 20 grade 10 students altogether in our group, and they seemed quite interested. My bit of the talk went reasonably well (actually, the whole talk went reasonably well), and they didn’t get bored with the laser game like I thought they would. Whenever I asked them questions, they gave pretty good answers—it was pretty impressive! So all in all, it was a great experience.

The rest of the week was not that interesting—I’ll spare you the details.

There was an interesting video this week from the Vlogbrothers about tongue-twisters. I already put a link to it on my facebook page, but in case you missed it, here it is:

This got me wondering about tongue-twisters in Sinhala. I’m sure I used to know a lot of them when I was a kid, but all I can remember now is රතු චීත්ත දෙජාතියයි (rathu cheeththa dhejaathiyayi) and චූටි ටීචර් ගෙ චූටි ටෝච් එක (chooti teacher ge chooti torch eka)—well that one was partially English Smile with tongue out. If you guys can remember any tongue twisters in Sinhala or Tamil, leave them on the comments. I’d love to see them. Actually, if you know any cool tounge twisters in any language, leave them underneath. I’ll have fun trying to read them fast Smile with tongue out.

If you’re more interested in getting your twing tusted—I mean TONGUE TWISTED, do a Google search. You’ll find lots of stuff to keep your tongue occupied. Don’t start imaging stuff now, kids—I meant that in a very wholesome way.

I’m still reading through Joe Abrecrombie’s Before They Are Hanged. This book is much better than the first book, pretty impressive. But still, not on par with George R. R. Martin and Robin Hobb and the like. The plot just seems… shallow. I’m not saying it’s a bad book, but it lacks that… I’m searching for a word here… complexity? I don’t know.

That brings me to my reading wishlist. Here are some of the fantasy books/ series I can’t get wait to get my hands on. If you’ve read any of them, let me know how they are. Suggestions are welcome as well. (Don’t leave spoilers though Smile with tongue out!)

The Wishlist:

  • Wheel of Time saga by Robert Jordan
  • Rain Wild Chronicles series by Robin Hobb
  • Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher
  • Demon trilogy by Peter V. Brett
  • The Edge Chronicles series by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
  • Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss
  • The Black Magician trilogy by Trudi Canavan

etc. I’m such  a bookworm. I know Smile with tongue out.

I’m trying to make these blog posts a weekly thing. We’ll see how that goes!